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We Still Believe

Crafting at Saddletree Estates Elders Court

Staff Report by Grace Kelly Deese-Oxendine (6.15.2017): "We make our children corn-husk dolls so that they are never alone. Faceless dolls teach us that we should never judge someone by their appearance, nor should we obsess with our own vanity as it is a distraction to completing the tasks that we are meant to do. Judging others by their appearance is an obstacle to seeing what is in their hearts." -Author Unknown-

So I ask you this, what do you see when you see a freshly pulled ear of corn? Do you see it as only a means of food?

On June 14th, Mrs. Kat Littleturtle mesmerized the residents of Saddletree Estates Elders Court with her amazing gift of storytelling and her expertise in corn-husk doll creation. Residents were given a history lesson on the ways corn was used within tribal territories. Mrs. Kat explained how every aspect of this crop was used, from the corn husk to the cob. She gave residents a quick visual of how our ancestors would use dry corn husks as modern day band aids. She provided the residents with supplies and together each resident created their own corn-husk doll. Their corn–husk dolls are now reminders of our ancestors and a lesson to never judge by appearance only. For now, the freshly pulled ear of corn is a beautiful doll.

We would like to thank Mrs. Kat Littleturtle for her time, gift of knowledge and for keeping our history alive. Special thanks to Kaya Littleturtle for sharing his amazing grandmother with us. And a big shout out to Rhonda for assisting with organizing this event.

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