Lumbee Holdings, Inc. (LH) Annual Shareholdings Meeting--7/7/2023, 12 pm
In accordance with the Bylaws of Lumbee Holdings, Inc. (LH), this is NOTICE of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The "Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina" is the sole owner of all 100 shares of LH. The meeting will be held on July 7, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. The Annual Meeting location has been scheduled to occur in the Lumbee Tribe Boys & Girls Club facility behind the Tribal Building.
A light lunch will be provided at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting.
The event will NOT be livestreamed or recorded. An active Lumbee Tribe enrollment card is required for guest entry. An interpreter will be utilized to allow deaf and hard of hearing tribal members equal access to information and interactions.