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College and Career Promise Program

College and Career Promise Program

Through our partnership with Robeson Community College and the Public Schools of Robeson County, Project ACCESS can remove financial and transportation barriers for American Indian students participating in the Career and College Promise (CCP) program. 

The Career and College Promise (CCP) program is North Carolina’s dual enrollment program that will allow eligible high school students to enroll in college classes at RCC through their high school.  In many cases, students can also earn dual credit – meeting high school graduation requirements with college courses. 

CCP classes are tuition free.  Through Project ACCESS, books and fees, as well as any transportation costs will also be FREE for American Indian participants in Robeson County.

For more information, contact: Vonda Graham, Career and College Advisor, Robeson Community College | Phone: 910.272.3380 | and Tecarra Sutton, Career and College Advisor, Robeson Community College | 910.272.3319 |











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