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We Still Believe

Remember and Celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the Battle at Hayes Pond

As we continue to remember and celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the Battle at Hayes Pond, we have an additional video of a first hand account of the event, which sent KKK members fleeing and running into the pond on that cold January night. In this video, Lumbee Businessman and former Lumbee Tribal Council Member Lonnie Revels gives a vivid account of what happened. The video, called "The Community Voices Project" gives great insight into the political advancements across the state, but especially the Greensboro area in the 1960's. In the last 5 minutes of the video, Mr. Lonnie tells the story of the Battle at Hayes Pond at video counter 1:49:30.

Mr. Lonnie along with his wife Mrs. Ruth Revels helped establish the Guilford Native American Association. He also served as a member and chairperson of the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs. He served on the Lumbee Tribal Council and was elected two terms on the Greensboro city Council.

To watch the Video, click the link:

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