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We Still Believe

Lumbee Tribal Council welcomed new Indian Education Coordinators for Cumberland and Wake Counties

The Lumbee Tribal Council welcomed new Indian Education Coordinators for Cumberland and Wake Counties to the August Business Meeting. Candice Revels has recently been named the Coordinator of Cumberland County Schools’ Indian Education Program. Rebecca Locklear has recently been named the Coordinator of Wake County’s Indian Education Program. Congratulations to Candice and Rebecca as they represent our Native people.

Joseph Cintron, Mister North Carolina Native American Youth Organization (NCNAYO) 2023-2024, was also recognized during the business meeting. He spoke on NCNAYO and its purpose, his role as Mister NCNAYO, as well as why he participates and loves NCNAYO.

Keely Oxendine was presented with a plaque for her impactful artwork, which spotlighted the several Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) within our community. The artwork has played a significant role in bringing awareness to MMIP.

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