Congratulations to Bobby Locklear for winning our first “Enrollment Goody Bag Package"
Congratulations to Bobby Locklear for winning our first “Enrollment Goody Bag Package" for coming in to update his Lumbee Enrollment last Monday. Mr. Bobby wins a shirt, tote bag, mug, water bottle, lanyard, fan, Chapstick, as well as disinfectant wipes! This giveaway is an incentive to encourage our Lumbee Tribal Members to come in to update their enrollment now to avoid a rush when Enrollment closes in October. Because of the upcoming Lumbee Tribal Elections, the Lumbee Tribe of NC’s Enrollment Office will close on October 14, 2022. The Lumbee Tribal Rolls are mandated under Lumbee Tribal Law to close 30 days prior to any tribal election. The Tribal Rolls will re-open 30 days after certification of the tribal election. Without an updated enrollment, members are unable to vote in the Lumbee Elections. An expired enrollment card may also delay services for members who need help.