Save the Date! Memory Loss and Alzheimer's Disease in Native People
Save the Date! Memory Loss and Alzheimer's Disease in Native People Wednesday April 5 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Alzheimer s Disease is a devastating disease that impacts far too many people in our community. Sadly, American Indians in North Carolina are 40- 50% more likely to die from Alzheimer s Disease compared to non-Hispanic Whites. This workshop will focus on the latest research on Alzheimer s Disease, and effective strategies for screening and detecting, treating, and caring for American Indians with this disease. The workshop is being presented through a partnership between the North Carolina American Indian Health Board, the Wake Forest School of Medicine Alzheimer s Disease Center, the Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity and the UNC School of Medicine Carolina Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program. Target Audience: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Home Health Providers