2016 Dance of the Spring Moon Powwow

Tribal Chairman Harvey Godwin met briefly with East Carolina University student/athlete Chyna Locklear during the powwow Sunday to congratulate her on her achievements in college. Chyna is a member of the Pirates’ cheerleading squad and an outstanding student with plans to enter either pharmacy or veterinary medicine. This Lumbee beauty is also one strong young lady who boasts a 170-pound personalbest on the clean and jerk, more than 50 pounds above her body weight. At 125 pounds, she squats nearly twice her body weight. These are very impressive totals! Chyna is scheduled to compete soon in the collegiate weightlifting tournament. The tribal chairman is a weight lifting and physical fitness enthusiast who was thoroughly impressed with Chyna’s accomplishments in the gym. He smiled when he heard her weightlifting totals. “I’m really proud of what our young people like Chyna are doing,” Godwin said. “She is one shining example of the talent we have among our Native youth. I want to congratulate her on everything she has been able to accomplish. I also want to encourage the young children out there to find positive role models. I want them to know that hard work and dedication like Chyna has is what it takes to succeed. She is a great role model for our youth.”