Boys & Girls Clubs Recognizes Fire & Rescue Personnel On 9/11 Anniversary

The Lumbee Tribe’s four Boys & Girls Clubs showered local fire, rescue personnel and deputies with gifts on Friday, Sept. 11.
The event was held to commemorate the anniversary of the 9/11 Terrorists attacks in 2001. Club staff said the event began several years ago to honor local “heroes” for the countless times they put themselves in harms way in our community.
Staff from the tribe’s four club participated including, Southern Spirit, Pembroke, First Nation and Hawkeye Boys & Girls clubs.
Youth Services Director Rose Lowry-Townsend said the clubs handed out gift boxes to 40 agencies across Robeson and Hoke counties. They presented gifts to servicemen and women and fire departments, rescue units, sheriff’s deputies and state Highway Patrol.
The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina began this event in 2007 when the members of the Pembroke Boys & Girls Club made a presentation to the Pembroke Rural Rescue Unit.